at the kitchen table: speaking of faith
/1. Before your loss, how would you describe your faith? How would you describe it now?
2. What do you believe about an afterlife? Where do you think your baby(ies) is/are now?
3. Have you had any experiences of visitation--spiritual, bodily, paranormal--from your baby(ies)? If you haven't, would you want to?
4. Glow in the Woods has always been a haven from talk of "angel babies." Why has this been important to you? How do you react to the term "angel baby"?
5. Are your family's beliefs different from yours? Has it caused any tension within your family relating to the death of your baby(ies)?
6.What do you say, if anything, to people--well-meaning or otherwise--when they say those cliche religious phrases like "God needed another flower in His garden" or "Your baby is with God now"?
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