glow in the woods awards: november 2008
I was indistinguishable from other humans even in close quarters, begins Elm City Dad in his post Lying. We honour him with this month's Glow in the Woods award for how his words echo what can be so familiar from one babylost parent to the next: in this case, how strange it can be to construct and maintain a reasonable facsimile of normal for an outside and oblivious world.
Elm City Dad is new to our community, sadly. But in the way he shares his truth, he allows us to accompany him as he returns the same favour for us. In exchanging our stories we exchange warmth, huddling next to another body that knows this chill and feeling restored by it.
Remember to nominate your favourites by the 14th of every month--and thank you to everyone for continuing to share your darkness as well as your light.
Our glowing nominees for October and November, in random order:
I Lost a World for The dream house (no, not what you think)
Scribblette for Whole
Sarah of Ezra's Place for Face-to-face with G-d
B of Simply B for Re-learning to mama, Reason and Spirituality and death
Elm City Dad for Bittersweet
Sophie of Faraday's Garden for Rubberneckers and demons