dead metaphor

We are honored today to present a guest post by Romina. She is a sometimes teacher, all times mother, living with the loss of her third son. Ellis Tilde Asuro was born still on November 21, 2013.


I gave birth to death.

That is not a metaphor.

I gave birth to death

and I don’t know how to wean him.


They hint at it. It’s time to let him go.

They don’t speak his name.

I’ve been told he’s getting too old for this.

If I don’t do it now, this may go on forever.


I pushed death out of me and he stopped being mine.

I pushed death out of me and I stopped being his.


In the nine months since, I could have made a living child.

And in the nine months since, I could have learned to let him go.


But in a whole lifetime, I could not create enough life to

bring him near. I could not transform him into the living.


Has anyone told you it's time to move on? How do you respond?